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Diabetic and Risk Foot

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Pie Diabético y de Riesgo
Diabetic foot is, by definition, a risk foot. This is because diabetes causes alterations in the vascular system and peripheral nerves. This causes the foot Diabetic is more susceptible to infections, because any wound will heal slowly due to poor vascularization, and will not cause damage due to the involvement of nerves, can cause ulcers and amputations. Like diabetes, there are other diseases that affect the vascularization of the foot. These are: arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency, arterial insufficiency, acute or chronic, compartmental syndrome, etc. These feet also receive the qualification of foot of risk, since any callus or wound They are susceptible to complications.

Diabetic foot care in Clínica Dyn of Barcelona
In the DyN Podiatric Clinic we have a team that is widely prepared in the treatment of diabetic foot, and we recommend visiting at least 3 times a year, although there is no apparent problem.

You can visit free of charge as many times as you are awarded by CatSalut in our clinics, thanks to the agreement with CatSalut and Social Security to allow diabetic patients to access the podiatrist with ease. For this reason, it is enough to consult your family doctor or nurse, who will authorize your visit to our center. Do not hesitate, prevention never goes away.

Our Services







Authorized Center

Cat Salut
Registration: E08883660
Cat Salut Peu Diabètic

Collaborating Clinic

Creu Roja

Affiliated clinic

Proyecto Salvavidas
Clinic with Semiautomatic Defibrillator

Clinica Dyn Podiatric Clinic DyN Sant Andreu
Gran de Sant Andreu, 367
08030 Barcelona
Mobile: 682 372 272
Phone: 93 346 91 66
Clinica Dyn Podiatric Clinic DyN Segre
Segre, 86-90 local 4
08030 Barcelona
Mobile: 620 331 678
Phone: 93 311 65 24
Copyright: © 2019 Podiatric Clinic DyN

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