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Podiatric Surgery

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Minimally Invasive Surgery
What is MIS surgery (Minimally Invasive Surgery) of the foot?
Minimally invasive surgery is a series of techniques that allow us to operate the foot through small incisions of a few millimeters. Through these small incisions the cutting and dissection material is introduced, controlling the situation and angulation at all times with special X-ray equipment (fluoroscope).

Does MIS surgery mean operating the foot with a laser?
In this sense confusion has been created for patients. In the foot, two types of techniques are carried out in broad strokes. One, open surgery and the other minimal incision surgery. Both types of techniques are very valid as long as they are applied to a correct indication. The laser is used in podiatry for various pathologies: nail fungus, postsurgical rehabilitation, surgery of the ingrown toenail but not to perform osteoarticular surgery of bunions, claw toes, interdigital calluses, metatarsal realignments, heel pathology, etc.

What advantages does minimal incision surgery offer me?
• Local anesthesia is always used, both to intervene bunions, as metatarsals, as claw toes.
• The incisions are minimal and the scars are more aesthetically acceptable.
• Recovery and ambulation is immediate, reducing post-surgical time and sick leave.
• Osteosynthesis materials (screws, needles, etc.) are not used, being the recovery faster. The fixings are obtained by some special bandages and the use of a special post-surgical shoe.
• Hospital admission is not required, it is an outpatient surgery.


Which cases are susceptible to be able to be operated by surgery of minimum incision?
• Hallux Valgus (bunions).
• Metatarsalgies.
• Morton's neurons.
• IPK or intractable plantar callus.
• Tailor's bunion (5th metatarsal bunion).
• Callus under the nail (subungual exostosis)
• Callus between the fingers (interdigital exostosis)
• Hammer toes.
• Calcaneal compression syndrome.
• Fasciitis and calcaneal spur.
• Surgery of the ingrown nail.
  • Foto escaner
  • Estudi marxa
  • Petxada digitalitzada
  • Disfunció del peu
  • Procés de correcció
  • Disseny plantilla

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Cat Salut Peu Diabètic

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Clinic with Semiautomatic Defibrillator

Clinica Dyn Podiatric Clinic DyN Sant Andreu
Gran de Sant Andreu, 367
08030 Barcelona
Mobile: 682 372 272
Phone: 93 346 91 66
Clinica Dyn Podiatric Clinic DyN Segre
Segre, 86-90 local 4
08030 Barcelona
Mobile: 620 331 678
Phone: 93 311 65 24
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